Verna M. Shook, died peacefully January 8, 2013 with her loving husband of 70 years, daughters, grandchildren, Pastor Lisa Taylor and her companion Nuzzle by her side.Verna was born August 20, 1922 in Ft. Atkinson the daughter of Lucius and Dorothy (Chadwick) Klement. She grew up in a household of 3 generations and spent her youth helping out in the family auto business. Her Dad taught her to drive during the winter months on the ice on Lake Koshkonong. She graduated from Ft. Atkinson Sr. High School in 1940. She married Donald Paul Shook, her high school sweetheart, on March 28, 1942 at the home of her parents on Sherman Avenue in Ft. Atkinson. Verna managed the local Baker's Ice Cream Co. and worked at the canning factory until Don entered the U.S. Military. They moved to Colorado Springs, Co. and Verna served as a Nanny until her husband deployed to Italy with the 10th Mountain Division. At that point, Verna moved back to Ft. Atkinson and waited for his return. Don returned from WWII and they made their home in Ft. Atkinson from 1944 until 1958. Their children were all born in Ft. Atkinson, Richard (deceased), Bonnie (Dave-deceased) Hibner, Francine (Bill- deceased) Schneider, Donna (Steve) Elliott, Chuck (deceased) and Bev. In 1958, Don and Verna moved their family to Racine WI when Don transferred to supervise the drafting department at Wisconsin Electric Power. Don and Verna became very familiar with the Baraboo area while camping at Devil's Lake State Park and the Double KD Campground. In 1967 they purchased a home in Fairfield Township outside of Baraboo where they resided until 2012. Verna spent her life devoted to her husband and family. She thoroughly enjoyed being a wife and homemaker always making every holiday extra special for her husband, children and in later years for her grandchildren and their families. She made everyone's favorite baked goods for all to enjoy. She enjoyed cooking, baking, sewing, knitting, crocheting, ceramics, Avon, collecting and garage sales. She knitted numerous baby booties and afghans for family and friends. Her family was the highlight of her life and she was completely devoted to all activities that included her husband, children, grandchildren and their families. She spent many years dancing the night away with Don, at a number of different venues including the Labor Center in Racine, the Elks Club in Baraboo and numerous other events as well as the wedding dances of their children and grandchildren.Verna engaged her children and grandchildren in many different board and card games over the years such as Old Maid, Uno, Connect 4 and the electronic Simon game. Summertime visits typically included a walk back to Reed's cabin on the Aldo Leopold Reserve. The family spent many years traveling to the Klement cottage on Big Bearskin Lake near Minoqua and camping in different areas of WI and the U.S. including an annual trip to Florida to visit daughter Franki.Their own backyard also served as a camping site for family and friends each summer. Everyone enjoyed the outdoor pool, games of football, softball, horseshoes, croquet and campfires complete with pudgy pies and roasted marshmallows. She and Don were wonderful hosts. Verna was always happy to have her grandchildren by her side and she had a very special bond with her great-grandchild, Tyler. The hugs of her grandchildren and great grandchildren brought a special joy to her heart. In 1994, Don and Verna found the perfect campground along the White River Flowage near Wautoma, WI. Once their children and families discovered that same gem, it became a family affair every summer for the entire family. Verna was always glad to have her family surrounding her at any time and made sure there was plenty of food and beverage. Among her many wonderful caring attributes, she was known for reading the latest Family Circle magazine to come up with new dinner and dessert recipes to surprise Don when he arrived home from work. Don spent many years on the road for work and Verna held down the home front successfully. After retirement, they spent many years leisurely traveling along while enjoying their SandBur Acres in Fairfield. Verna has been a member of American Legion Post 166 Auxiliary for over 60 years.Verna is survived by her loving husband of over 70 years, Don; 4 daughters, Bonnie, Fran, Donna and Bev; 13 grandchildren; 16 great grandchildren; and 8 great-great grandchildren; along with many other relatives and friends.Verna was predeceased by her parents, in-laws; sons, Richard and Chuck; grandson, Joshua; brother, Robert and other relatives.A Celebration of Verna's life will be held on Saturday, January 12, 2013 at 3:30 p.m. at the Redlin Funeral Home , 401 Madison Avenue, Baraboo WI, with Pastor Lisa Taylor officiating. Visitation will be from 1 p.m. until time of services. In lieu of flowers, memorials may be made in Verna's name to any charitable organization.A very special thank you to the staff of HHU Hospice, Dr. Edwards, Pastor Lisa Taylor and everyone involved in the loving care for Verna.Rest in peace dear Momma Pajama - we love you dearly. Our hearts will always be full of your love.