Gerald L. Stich , Age 87

November 21, 1937 --December 08, 2024

Professor Emeritus Gerald Lynn Stich “Jerry” age 87 of Baraboo, WI went to be with our Lord on Sunday, December 8, 2024.  He died peacefully surrounded by loving family.  Jerry shared his love of music with the rest of us, touching many hearts and minds, young and old, during his lifetime.  His love of family and fellowship with friends defined him.  Music has been an essential element for Jerry, providing a critical, common link for most of his relationships throughout life.   

He was born in Madison, WI on November 21,1937 to Walter E. and Marcia H. (Haskins) Stich.

Jerry graduated from Madison East High School in 1955, and subsequently from the University of Wisconsin, Madison in 1960.  He led the UW Marching band as Drum Major for three years including marching in 1960 Rose Bowl.  He married his high-school sweetheart Carol E. (Bryan) on December 18, 1959, and they spent their honeymoon at that Rose Bowl in Pasadena beginning 65 years of marriage and musical adventures for the two of them.

Jerry directed the Madison Scouts Drum and Bugle Corps for three years after being the horn instructor for several years prior, traveling extensively to National competitions. 

He was called to service with the 32nd Division National Guard during the Berlin Crisis and was sent to Fort Lewis, Washington where he was Drum Major for three years, leading the band to the World’s Fair Opening and playing for President Kennedy.

Jerry was honorably discharged in 1962.  He and his loving wife/life partner in music, Carol, relocated to Waterloo, WI where he began his career in instrumental music and led the band program at Waterloo High School.  There he organized the color guard, who presented colors at the 1964 State Basketball Championship and was involved in the Waterloo Community Band and the Watertown Summer Band.

At Waterloo, Jerry produced the first ever high school musicals including Brigadoon in 1965, South Pacific in 1967, and Carousel in 1969.  The WHS Class of 1967 dedicated its edition of the yearbook WATHILO to Jerry writing: “Since September 1961 teachers and students alike have worked with an instructor whose friendly attitude and complete dedication to his work have earned him lasting admiration.  Through ability and inspiration, he has brought to us an ever-growing appreciation for music.  And in learning music, we have learned to love him.”

Dean Theodor Savides recognized those same qualities and provided Jerry an opportunity to join the faculty of the University of Wisconsin-Baraboo/Sauk County in 1969, it’s second year of existence.  He was tasked with starting the musical academic and performance program, including multiple bands, choruses, and his beloved Campus Singers.  During his years at UW-BSC, he completed his master’s degree in music education with the UW and served as department chairman of the music department for the 13 University of Wisconsin System Campuses. 

In 1970, he started the successful “Baraboo Concerts on the Square” series bringing local and national talent to the Courthouse Square in Baraboo and was involved in Concerts on the Square until his passing.  Jerry brought many talented musicians to the UWBSC stages during his tenure including Buddy Rich, Count Basie, and others.  He retired in 2002 after 32 years of service with the UW System.  He was later recognized for his service and dedication to the arts at UW/BSC and the Baraboo Community with a new, expanded practice facility bearing his name above the doors.

Although he retired from the UW System in 2002, his involvement in more and varied musical endeavors continued.  He had the pleasure of leading, mentoring, and mostly, performing in many groups including The Retro Swing Band, Great American Circus Parades, the Stan Kenton Orchestra, the Madison Mellophonium Band, and a multitude of his own collaborations with family, colleagues, and friends.

He and Carol traveled often to see family in Georgia and Michigan, enjoyed time spent together with their RV, and loved a windows-down cruise or car show with their Black Dodge Charger.  At home, he loved to be working in his yard unless there was a Badger or Packer game to be seen.

Jerry and Carol are members of St. Paul’s Lutheran Church in Baraboo, where they have both been active in choir and seasonal musical productions for many years.

Jerry is survived by his wife of 65 years, Carol; children, Kevin (Sue), Evans, GA, Steve (Lisa), Evans, GA, and Kristin (Rick), Mason, MI; grandchildren, Blair Stich, Connor and Nolan Stich, Hayden, Kayla, Karissa, and Branden Burns; sister, Jean Lindenlaub. 

He was preceded in death by his parents, Walter and Marcia; and brother, Keith.

Visitation will be held on Friday, December 13, 2024 at St. Paul’s Lutheran Church beginning at 11:00AM until the time of service at 1:00PM, officiated by Paster Karen Hofstad.  Interment will follow at Walnut Hill Cemetery where Military Honors will be conducted by the Baraboo Veterans Honor Guard.

Memorial donations may be directed to either the Cancer Research Institute, or the Alzheimer's Foundation of America. 

The family would like to extend their sincere gratitude for the outpouring of support from the community including former students, colleagues, friends, and family. We are also thankful for the wonderful care and professionalism provided by caretakers including the Baraboo Police Department, Sauk County Adult Protective Services, Sauk County Courts, Baraboo Emergency Services, St. Clare Hospital, St. Clare Mall, Redlin-Ertz Funeral Home, Pastor Karen and St. Paul’s Lutheran Church, St. Mary’s Hospital, UW Healthcare and all of the attending healthcare professionals that have helped our family navigate this challenging time.


Beth Rozman December 09, 2024

Friend Madison , Wisconsin

Gerri was a truly exemplary man. And you’d be hard-pressed to find a nicer guy. So sorry for your loss.

Greg lang December 09, 2024

Friend Reedsburg , Wisconsin

Baraboo lost a legend and a great guy. Thanks for everything

Mike Birch December 09, 2024

Friend Cambridge , Wisconsin

Gerri was one of the nicest people I have ever met. An accomplished musician, educator and someone I was very fortunate to have counted as a friend. The world is a better place for his having been here with us.

Karen Mesmer December 09, 2024

Friend BARABOO , Wisconsin

Jerry gave the gift of music to the world for many, many years. So many lives in Baraboo were touched by him.

Jim Jackson December 09, 2024

Long time friend Madison , Wisconsin

Knowing Jerry for about 55 years, we had some wonderful times playing in all kinds of groups and places. I miss him dearly.

David Skaife December 09, 2024

Fan Laramie , Wyoming

Mr. Stich will be fondly remembered by the thousands of people that he entertained over the years. A definite Baraboo Legend.

Dan Evans December 09, 2024

Friend Wisconsin Dells , Wisconsin

Jerry is one of the most influential people I've met, as a musician and a person. Love him and will miss him dearly.

becky giebel December 09, 2024

Friend Student Baraboo

I am so very sorry for your loss. He was a great man and so very kind. And if my memory is correct he was very patient with all his choir members! May God sustain you all through this difficult path.

Karll Family December 10, 2024

Friends of the family Fitchburg , Wisconsin

Condolences from the Karll Family...

Linda Harmel Petersen December 10, 2024

Student Roseville , Minnesota

Carol and family, I have such fond memories of “Coach” and my time in Campus Singers. It was over 50 years ago, but I still remember voice lessons with you and Campus Singers with Jerry. A highlight of any summer visit to my hometown meant taking in a Concert on the Square. Coach Stitch was one-in-a-million and he will be remembered in Baraboo for years to come! With love and care! Linda

Tom Litscher December 10, 2024

Tom Litscher Prairie du Sac , Wisconsin

Professor Jerry is truly a mentor and friend in my musical endeavors. Thank you with all my heart and soul.

Tom Litscher December 10, 2024

Tom Litscher Prairie du Sac , Wisconsin

Professor Jerry is a great friend and mentor to me. Thank you with all my heart and soul.

Mary Campbell December 10, 2024

Acquaintance Baraboo , Wisconsin

He will be sadly missed

Dennis and Penny Quandt December 10, 2024

Friend Dothan , AL

Our thoughts and prayers go out to you and your Family

Darletta Muehlbrad December 10, 2024

Former student Cuero , Texas

Jerry was truly one of a kind . His vision and passion for music impacted the community of Baraboo in unmeasurable ways and touched the lives of many musicians, students, and music lovers. Rest in peace Jerry. You will truly be missed.

Darletta Muehlbrad December 10, 2024

Former student Cuero , Texas

Jerry was truly one of a kind. His vision and passion for music impacted the community of Baraboo in unmeasurable ways. He touched the lives of many musicians, students, and music lovers. Rest in peace Jerry. You will be truly missed.

The Bloomer family December 10, 2024

Friend Verona , Wisconsin

Our heartfelt condolences to the Stich family - too many years have passed

Bertrand Lanher December 10, 2024

Musician and Friend San Jose , California

Dear all. Please accept my most sincere condolences on the passing of Gerry. So many musical memories were made together during the 21 years I lived in Madison. We are all mourning the loss of a grand Human Being. I am mourning the loss of a man I was proud to call my friend.

Steve Morgan December 10, 2024

Musical and teaching colleague Madison , Wisconsin

Jerry was my valued mentor and colleague in the UW-Baraboo Music Department for 13 years. His cheerful and tireless energy were a major role model for me. Condolences to Carol, the family, and the entire Baraboo community who loved him.

Kathy & Alan Garant December 10, 2024

Friend Wisconsin Dells , Wisconsin

We are truly sorry to hear of Jerry’s passing. While we didn’t know him personally, his love of Baraboo was so admired. He entertained us for years at the Concerts on the Square. He will missed.

Gary & Joyce Kasten December 10, 2024

Friend Galena , Missouri

Our memories of you and Carol will live on in our hearts till we meet again. Our memories of you include many concerts on the square and the football field in Baraboo. Also the many Circus parades we watched you in. I was shocked when I found out you were the uncle to my skating partner Kathy Klongland Stich when we were in our teens. It was also an honor to have your band play for Joyce and my 25th wedding anniversary at Spinning Wheels Skate Center, that we owned 35 years ago. Jerry & Carrol it was an honor to know you and call you our friends. RIP

JEFF VIRCHOW December 10, 2024

Friend PR DU SAC , Wisconsin

I may have the singular distinction of playing in the Waterloo High School band when Jerry came to that position, and then playing in one of the last concerts he conducted with the Platteville Baraboo Sauk County Campus/community band in Baraboo. What a gift he brought to both Waterloo and Baraboo. He will be missed, but his legacy will endure.

Anton Dvorak December 10, 2024

Friend of the family Brooklyn, WI , Wisconsin

I've known Jerry since he played in the Wisconsin Band. I always liked his positive attitude and sense of humor. The music community lost a great friend and leader. He will be missed.

Yvonne Marie December 11, 2024

Former WHS student Madison , Wisconsin

My sincere condolences to Carol and the family. Mr Stich (as I knew him) was very instrumental in forming my love of music. I am eternally grateful for our paths crossing in high school. I played (and still play) saxophone, sang (and still sing) and was part the "South Pacific" and "Carousel" musical productions (went on to community theater in onstage and off-stage roles). Also was a member of a group who did performances at the Baraboo Concerts on the Square. Last saw him at the DeForest Area Community Center. What a joy. I always admired his youthfulness and energetic manner. Gladly his legacy will live on. May warm memories be your lasting treasure. God bless.

Laura Moffit December 11, 2024

Friend Lake delton , Wisconsin

Simply put, Gerri was one of my favorite human beings! His love for music and people made him a local treasure. I will miss his smile. Heaven has gained an angel.

Karen Sanner December 11, 2024

Friend Baraboo , Wisconsin

Jerry was by far the most influential person in my life. His musical direction brought me such joy.

Ann Effinger December 11, 2024

Friend Merrimac , Wisconsin

Deepest sympathy to Carol and family! I feel blessed to have been part of Emanuel Church choir under Jerry's leadership as well as attended many concerts that he directed. Baraboo/Sauk County has been honored by his talent and contributions to the area. I cannot imagine how he can be replaced.

Jeff Williams December 11, 2024

Student Deforest , Wisconsin

Professor Stich was one of the best parts of going to Boo-U. I enjoyed every minute of Campus Singers and choir. I learned so much about music from him and will remember all those times with a smile. Thank you Professor.

Conor Smyth December 12, 2024

Friend Madison , Wisconsin

Jerry was a community icon and beacon. My family enjoyed and appreciated the opportunity he created for my Mom to dust off her tenor sax and play concerts on the square for many years until she, too, was affected by Alzheimer’s Disease. Thanks to the whole Stitch clan for generously sharing this wonderful guy.

Doug Normington December 12, 2024

Friend At Francis , Wisconsin

Jerry was a guy that loved to make things happen. I am grateful to have had the opportunity to learn from him and to play and perform with him. He created many opportunities for myself and many others. Great guy. Friend and mentor. -Doug Normington-

Donald Harms December 12, 2024

Friend in music! BARABOO , Wisconsin

I played with the Illusive Sounds, and Jerry was always in our corner when we played on the square or at the college! RIP Proffesor Stich!

Claudia Haberman Imrie December 12, 2024

Former student Johnson Creek , Wisconsin

Jerry was such a great asset to Waterloo High School. Everyone liked him. He came back to Waterloo for an alumni banquet a few years ago as guest speaker. He had barely changed - a youthful, fun, talented guy! Carol was the perfect match for him. Such a wonderful couple!

Sue Dietsch December 12, 2024

Friend Baraboo , Wisconsin

Jerry created a culture of music in Baraboo that will be continued because of his passion, talents and personality. Condolences to Carol and family.

Amy Lenard December 13, 2024

Madison Brass Band Verona , Wisconsin

Playing music with Jerry was a real privilege and he was always the most welcoming presence. I will always appreciate how much joy he brought to people through music and community.

Lyle E. Siggelkow December 13, 2024

ellow Alumni Middleton , Wisconsin

The Madison Scouts Alumni Family is Grieving your passing Jerry. You were, and will remain, a valued Alumn and respected Musical Director Jerry was a wonderful musical talent. This talent and his teaching skills brought much joy to so many. His musical accomplishments and great music will be sadly missed! Thank You Jerry, you have given so much and you really made a difference. Well Done Jerry, well done...YOUR LEGACY LIVES IN OUR HEARTS!

MJ and Tom Doepke December 13, 2024

Friend North Freedom , Wisconsin

Our condolences to the family. Gerri was such a talented man. He left his mark on so many lives He was “George Bailey” to the community of Baraboo. And made us all have a more wonderful life by knowing him. Here’s to Gerri Stitch

Beth Goethel December 13, 2024

Friend Baraboo , Wisconsin

No words. Such a huge loss. All our love to all of you.

Ruth Young (Wagner) December 13, 2024

Former student West Allis , Wisconsin

I would have been at Prof. Stich’s funeral today, but the students at the elementary school where I teach music had a concert during the school day today. If it were not for Prof. Stich I wouldn’t have my own music students. He taught me so much about music and about life. What he taught me guides and shapes what I do in my own career today. I was so blessed to have known him. My sister Jennifer and I were both in his campus/community band at Boo-U back in the 1980’s. Those were good times. He was the best. He will be missed. Ruth Young (Wagner)

Jason December 14, 2024

Friend and former student Deerfield , Wisconsin

I had the pleasure of being a trombone student of his while in high school, I taught at UW-Baraboo with him in the late 90s. I loved playing with him! He was great to me and helped me become who I am today! He lives on with my students as a lot of his teaching styles rubbed off on me. May he rest in peace knowing his legacy lives on in many future musicians! My sorrow for his loss goes out to his wonderful family. He was a loving person 1st which made him a great man and musician!

Allie Miller December 17, 2024

Former student Wilmington , Delaware

Carol and Family, I am so sorry for your loss. "Coach" will be greatly missed. I am indebted to this man because under his direction, I began to sing and found out I was halfway decent at it. I was in both Campus Singers and the Boo-U choir 1971-’73. My memories of my time at Boo-U--and of the music program there, in particular—hold a special place in my heart because of the friends I made and the experiences I had. “Coach” was a wonderful teacher and mentor. Boo-U and the community were truly blessed to have this man.

Linda Chickering January 02, 2025

Student and family friend Waukesha , Wisconsin

Gerry was a force of nature. He was one of the defining teachers for my long experience with community band and concerts on the square. He taught me at music camp at Boo U and for many years of community small group performances. His enthusiasm for sharing the gift of music never flagged. My parents were both deeply involved with him over the years in civic chorus, musicals and operettas, and small singing groups. My life growing up would have been very different without his vibrant community leadership in the arts.